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Radigan: A Novel

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When beautiful Angelina Foley presents Tom Radigan with a Spanish grant and claims ownership of his land, he realizes he’s up against a cunning and deadly opportunist. Foley wants him off Vache Creek immediately, and with three thousand head of cattle, an outfit of hardcase gunfighters, and winter coming on, she is unwilling to take no for an answer.

But Radigan has worked four hard years building up his ranch. Fighting for it–and, if he has to, killing for it–is something he is more than willing to do. If Angelina Foley and her men think he is the kind of man to give up without a fight, they are dead wrong.

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3 thoughts on “Radigan: A Novel

  1. Another great book by arguably the best American author. It is a shame L’Amour has passed on with no real replacement in sight. This book has a good story, interesting characters and places. Nothing more required. Even a satisfying ending. L’Amour would have been comfortable living part of this story, because he wrote from a depth of experience that very few western authors could ever match.

  2. Raid on Radigan It’s a good read and keeps your interest throughout. I have been reading his novels off and on since the early ’70s and haven’t found one I didn’t like.In this one the hero is hard working and has the experience to stay on top but gets ‘sucker punched’ along the way and has to dig himself out. I think Louis could have added a few pages to the ending thus absence of one star.Bottom Line 🙂 If you are a Western Fiction fan you will like it.

  3. Did Louis or family finish this novel?? This novel was a little different for Louis. I’m thinking his daughter might have finished it after his death, but it still was a good story and kept my interest until the end

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