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Reaper’s Run: Plague Wars Series, Book 1

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Book 1 of Plague Wars – listen to it or Book Zero, The Eden Plague, as your introduction to the best-selling apocalyptic military sci-fi thriller series.

When U.S. Marine Sergeant Jill Repeth’s blown-off legs begin to regenerate, she thinks it’s a medical miracle. But the breakthrough that’s healing her war injuries is exactly what the government desperately wants to contain – by any means necessary. Hunted, she must cross an America wracked by strife, to try to find a family who may already be dead, searching for the inhuman secret of what started it all.

Reaper’s Run is an origins story and apocalyptic novel, the beginning of one warrior’s journey from tactical cop to freedom fighter and beyond. It leads the listener into the acclaimed Plague Wars military science fiction series.

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3 thoughts on “Reaper’s Run: Plague Wars Series, Book 1

  1. The end of the world shouldn’t be laughable… The premise was interesting, and I was eager to dive in. But as a veteran, I found the authors’ idea of how the military works (its procedures and the way shipboard members perform & react), superficial and just sort of laughable… Also, I know people from Tennessee; and they’re not all the chaw-spittin’ hillbillies portrayed here. The dialogue involving these characters was absolutely embarrassing. I couldn’t get through it.

  2. A thrilling ride “Reapers Run” follows Sergeant Jill “Reaper” Repeth following her contracting the Eden Plague virus – a so-called disease that affects humans at the molecular level and brings with it superhuman healing, improved senses, and insatiable food cravings… following her escape from a cruise ship full of other “sickos”, a government ruse to round up anyone and everyone they see as a threat, Jill embarks on a quest to find her family – but winds up finding redemption and hope in the unlikeliest of…

  3. Not up to his standard I think this book is greatly inferior to Mr. Vandyke’s “The Eden Plague”. Both are beginning books in his Plague War series. 

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