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Rogue World

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The Galactics arrived with their Battle Fleet in 2052. Rather than being exterminated under a barrage of hell-burners, Earth joined a vast Empire that spanned the Milky Way. Today, Battle Fleet 921 is returning to Earth. It hasn’t been seen by human eyes since our blissful day of Annexation. But what should be a joyful occasion, a chance to grovel at the feet of superior lifeforms, is rapidly becoming a nightmare. Over the last century, humanity has engaged in many activities that our overlords find…questionable. A panic ensues, and Legion Varus is deployed to erase certain “mistakes” our government has made. Projects must be purged to stop Imperial military action. Among the thousands marching to war is one man no politician has ever enjoyed dealing with. One man who’s destined to follow his own unique path through galactic law, morality and the stars themselves.

James McGill is about to make history.

Rogue World is the seventh book of Undying Mercenaries series, a novel of military science fiction by best-selling author B. V. Larson.

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3 thoughts on “Rogue World

  1. One cannot put down! More adventures and shenanigans with the McGil! Once you start, it will be hard to put down! Larson has done it again with another great read. Looking forward to book 8. What next with Centurion McGil? Hurry it up B.V. Larson! The World premise is unending with potential locations. Love the character interactions. Looking forward to more with the Galactics and Nairbs.

  2. Love it!!! B.V. Larson is my favorite sci-fi author. I have loved his books and James is by far the best. The only thing I hate about this book is that it is over. I am currently rereading it and loving it. Mr. Larson you an American Treasure!!!

  3. Like a fine wine we have all been waiting for. It is here and is is glorious Good Ole James McGill is back! While the previous books in this series have usually been centered around a specific planet / event Rogue World just blows it all open. Galactic Crimes indeed! 

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