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Sara’s Game

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Two years ago, Sara’s husband left for the gym one morning…and never came back. His car was found. He wasn’t. Unbelievably, the police report said, “no foul play suspected.” There were a few sightings over the following months, but little else.

Now, on the last day before summer break, her three children have gone missing from their schools, all at the same time.

And the note under her windshield wiper asks one foreboding question: Are you ready to play the game?

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2 thoughts on “Sara’s Game

  1. Good story, too many holes This was a fast read. The plot moved quickly with all of the action taking place in a span of just over 12 hours.The setting was well done, and as a main character Sara was strong and well developed. The other characters needed more depth to really bring them to life–especially those who were integral to the plot, like the missing husband Brian and the villain.My big problem with this book was the total unbelievability of how the police acted. Three kids kidnapped,…

  2. Mystery…no. Drama…yes! First I would like to say I am in no way paid to review this novel. I’m not a friend nor a family member. I downloaded it free and have chosen to give my honest opinion.Sara’s Game is just that a game where Sara the player has to rescue her children from a menacing entity (evil human). As I read this novel, I knew who the culprit was far sooner than the author thought was possible. There were no real shocks in this story. It was very easy to figure out, but the “game” was fun watch…

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