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Savage: Immortal Rose Trilogy, Book 2

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Humans live, fall in love, and return to the dirt from which they came, but for Roseline Enescue, time stands still. A hundred years pass without word from Fane, long enough for the feel of his touch to wane, and she begins to doubt that he ever truly existed at all.

Vladimir continues in his ruthless pursuit to destroy her spirit. Plagued by the sinister whispers of his brother, Lucian, her husband turns to new methods of torture that leave Roseline on the brink of insanity. As rumors spread among the humans of vile monsters that inhabit Castle Bran, giving way to wild legend and myth, she is forced to fight alongside the family she despises in order to survive. Soon it is no longer survival that she longs for…but blood.

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3 thoughts on “Savage: Immortal Rose Trilogy, Book 2

  1. Love it! Loved this book. I like the Immortal Rose books better than Arotas I think. Hopefully we don’t have to wait 4 years for the next one.

  2. like many others I, like many others, have been waiting for this book for a very long time. I liked the Arotas Series and then saw Desolate and said, well, I’ll see what the prequel is about and fell in LOVE with Rose in Desolate. Since then, I’ve read her story numerous times just waiting to continue it and while I did enjoy Savage, I wasn’t left with the goosebumps Desolate gave me. Maybe I was expecting too much, but I didn’t feel that it was as dark of a book and that is what I really enjoyed in the 1st…

  3. Dark and a heck of a rollercoaster ride Let me just say, my excitement for Savage was right up there with when I would wait for the latest Harry Potter book to release. Dark. This book is dark and a heck of a rollercoaster ride. I haven’t cried this much while reading in a few months. Congratulations Amy for being able to make me cry (that doesn’t happen often). Having said that, I did enjoy this second book in the trilogy. Roseline- I was torn between wanting to hug her and then wanting to smack her. She goes through A LOT no doubt…

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