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Witty and refreshingly candid, lovely Serena has been capturing hearts young and old alike. Her guardian uncle worries, though, that at 23 she will soon become a spinster. He wants a better life for her than that, but she doesn’t want to make a match without her heart being in it.

And none of the men courting her have touched her heart – not Warren, the old friend who woos her even as he eyes other women; certainly not Eustace, the minister concerned more with appearances than compassion; not even Freddy, perhaps the most ardent of her suitors but at 19 still a puppy.

Then Freddy’s uncle, the handsome Lord Pendleton, arrives to extract his nephew from the woman he expects Serena to be – one interested only in wealth and a title. When he refuses to believe that, far from trying to ensnare Freddy, she has been urging him to return to Oxford, her ire gets the better of her. She decides to let his lordship stew in his own juices. And when it becomes clear Lord Arrogant’s plan is to get her to change her course from Freddy to himself, feisty Serena sets her own course.

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3 thoughts on “Serena

  1. Fantastic Claudy Conn style Historical Romance Lady Serena Moorely, who has been raised by her uncle, is an unwed maid and her uncle would like to see her married before he dies. She has three suitors but doesn’t love any of them and that is the only reason she will wed-to love and be loved in return. 

  2. Serena Another great read, ever since I discovered her books I look forward to each new one. After a hard day at work or awful news of the moment, it is so nice to have something to escape into for a while and Claudy Conn book’s provide just the escape. This is another of her regency romances where she captures the time, clothing and language, when an author writes in a particular time period of the past it’s important to have the language fit the dialogue, it take’s one out of the fantasy if the…

  3. I Wish I Could Give It A Zero Out of total frustration, sometimes I try to guess, the percentage of romance books (of any genre) available, where the hero falls in love first, and where the heroine can hold her own with him. By this book’s description, I was hoping this story might be different. Unfortunately for me, that was not the case. The heroine is instantly smitten, and only after a few days (21% Kindle talk) the thought of him leaving, made her want to cry.and soon after that she is madly in love. The hero…

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