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I never forgot her. Not for one minute. Not from the last time I saw her, at 17, to today. I measured all women against her, and all women came up short. But being with her was unfeasible in high school, and it’s taboo now. I see her sometimes, but I’ve never spoken to her. She runs, or I run. We’re in the same town, on the same block, in the same building, and the gulf between us has been just too wide to cross. Until tonight.

He was my high school crush, back when I lived in a world that didn’t want me. He was the perfect boy, and I was the outcast kid from the other side of town. And when he held my hand, I thought I could fit in just a little. I thought I could be his, and he could be mine. Then he left, and my life fell apart. Now we are the king and queen of opposite sides of Hollywood. And we haven’t spoken a word to each other. Until tonight.

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3 thoughts on “Shuttergirl

  1. Arc provided by the author for an honest review When I read the first paragraph, no, scratch that, when I read the first sentence, I knew CD Reiss claimed me as her own once again. 

  2. When Hollywood Silver Spoons Dates TMZ 3.5 stars. ****This review may contain spoilers***** 

  3. I fell in love with Michael & Laine! CD Reiss captures the perfect love story hidden behind the glitz and grime of Hollywood! There is no question that I love Christine’s writing or that she is nestled comfortably in the list of my favorite authors. So going into Shuttergirl I knew that I’d get exceptional writing but this would be different from the erotic nature of the Songs of Series’ that preceded this release. 

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