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Sing Your Heart Out: Sinful Serenade Series #1

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Still a virgin at 21, Meg Smart walks a straight and narrow path. She aces her classes, excels at her part-time job, and carefully avoids trouble – no drinks, no drugs, and especially no boyfriends.

Rock star Miles Webb doesn’t do “boyfriend”. He skips over intimacy and love in favor of easy distraction – a beautiful woman under him, screaming his name. Meg is drawn to the pain in Miles’ gorgeous, tortured voice. But the man she hears on the radio is nothing like the player she meets at a mutual friend’s house party. When she walks in on one of his trysts, she’s embarrassed enough to die. His merciless teasing leaves her blushed and frustrated, but she’s intrigued by his wit, his confidence, and his casual offer to give her a night she’ll never forget.

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3 thoughts on “Sing Your Heart Out: Sinful Serenade Series #1

  1. Sexy, Musical and Heartfelt. Meg Smart is a follow the rules kind of girl, she has her sights set on her future goal of Med School. She is always studying and working trying everything she can to make a good life for herself, it also keeps her mind off the past couple of months and the tragic events that happened and ones that made her question not only the people around her but also herself. 

  2. Great read, can’t wait for the next in the series. Don’t loose out and pick up your copy today. Sing Your Heart Out: A Rock Star Romance, Sinful Serenade, Book 1. By Crystal Kaswell. I received a free copy from the author for a honest review. 

  3. MILES MAY HAVE THE SKILLS TO MELT THE PANTIES OFF EVERY WOMAN, BUT HIS EYES ARE ON MEG ~ NOT HIS HEART! Meg is a twenty-one-year-old pre-med college attending UCLA whom not only has school on her mind, but has also been mourning her sister’s death. The death of her sister has her in turmoil with herself in addition to the college parties, which Meg believes contribute to her sister’s death. Therefore, when Meg’s best friend, Kara, receives an invite for a party to the Hollywood Mansion from an old friend who in the guitarist in Sinful Serenade, Meg cannot deny her friend the…

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