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Snow Crash

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Only once in a great while does a writer come along who defies comparison — a writer so original, he redefines the way we look at the world. Neal Stephenson is such a writer and Snow Crash is such a novel, weaving virtual reality, Sumerian myth, and just about everything in between with a cool, hip cybersensibility to bring us the gigathriller of the information age. SNOW CRASH In reality, Hiro Protagonist delivers pizza for Uncle Enzo’s CosaNostra Pizza, Inc., but in the Metaverse he’s a warrior prince. Plunging headlong into the enigma of a new computer virus that’s striking down hackers everywhere, he races along the neon-lit streets on a search-and-destroy mission for the shadowy virtual villain threatening to bring about infocalypse. Snow Crash is a mind-altering romp through a future America so bizarre, so outrageous…you’ll recognize it immediately. “BRILLIANTLY REALIZED…STEPHENSON TURNS OUT TO BE AN ENGAGING GUIDE TO AN ONRUSHING TOMORROW.” — New York Times Book Review

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3 thoughts on “Snow Crash

  1. I’m a victim… …of someone who took a previous reviewer’s advice to have another buy the book, then lend it and be forced to buy another copy when it doesn’t return!From the opening description of Hiro Protagonist (the main character–couldn’t you tell?), I was caught by the irony, sarcasm, wit, and sheer fun with the English language that Neal Stephenson has in his repertoire. Snow Crash is gutsy, innovative, witty, and fun. It rewards anyone who churn out code for a living. Anyone who wonders what…

  2. Control Alt Delete Restart To the extent that a book can be described as original, “Snow Crash”, by Neal Stephenson is deserving of the moniker. About the only common ground that his work shares with others is that ink is applied to paper using the same letters, and then pages are bound to create a book. Much beyond that and you are in the midst of this Author’s view of a given world he has modified and created. He is not only incredibly unique; his wit passes the cutting edge to the bleeding edge of razor sharp sarcasm,…

  3. 4 1/2 stars, really I came to _Snow Crash_ on the recommendation of a few people who had read it (they called it “great!” and “hilarious!,” and knowing that Neal Stephenson is sometimes listed as a “cyberpunk” writer along with William Gibson et al.I had liked William Gibson’s books, so I gave _Snow Crash_ a try._Snow Crash_ is primarily about Hiro, a young man who delivers pizzas and collects information for the Central Intelligence Corporation (freelance), for a living…

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