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Spiraled: Callahan & McLane, Book 3

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FBI Special Agent Ava McLane solves crimes; she doesn’t witness them. When she’s trapped in a mall without her weapon as a shooter picks off victims, she hides with a wounded teen and prays for her survival.

But that’s only the beginning….

An epidemic of mass shootings has has swept across Oregon. The young shooters terrify the public, committing random murders before taking their own lives. The task force assembled to solve the case – which includes Ava’s boyfriend, detective Mason Callahan – remains stumped. And on top of this chaos, Ava’s troubled twin sister reappears, throwing Ava’s already-tumultuous life into a tailspin.

An old-fashioned cop with a strong sense of duty, Mason struggles to find the cause of the shootings as workaholic Ava spins ever closer to breaking down. But can one detective save the lives of countless innocents – and prevent the woman he loves from going over the edge?

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3 thoughts on “Spiraled: Callahan & McLane, Book 3

  1. Spiraled – Twisted Mind Games! As a voracious reader, I thrive on simple, charming and mushy romances and I feed off of convoluted, crazy and evil mind gamed characters created by authors. Both require hard work, immense passion for their characters and getting into the minds of their characters to give them individuality and depth. 

  2. Good story – very entertaining! Holy roller coaster ride!! Spiraled starts with a bang and moves forward with the force of an unleashed bullet. 

  3. Mystery, Intrigue, Murder and Romance all in on Great story. The mystery thriller comes to life in SPIRALED as Elliot’s female protagonist FBI Agent Ava McLane leaves her yoga lesson and walks into the sights of a shooter. Her teen age friend is wounded and Ava manages to drag the teen into hiding hoping the shooter doesn’t find them. The pace of Kendra Elliot’s novel never slows down. Ava knows the shooter is going to strike again. Elliot introduces Mason Callahan, who is an Oregon State Police detective. Elliot provides her…

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