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Study in Slaughter: Schooled in Magic, Book 3

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Brimming with new ideas for magical research, Emily returns to Whitehall School for her second year of magical education, looking forward to returning to her studies. And yet things are different; her new roommates harbor their secrets, her old friends are becoming distracted by sports and games, and one of the teachers seems to dislike her. As she starts new classes, she discovers she has to work far harder to keep her place in the school.

But her second year will be far more adventurous than her first. When it becomes clear that there is a murderer – and a spy – in the school, Emily will be the only one who can save the school from a plot aimed right at the heart of the Allied Lands themselves. And yet her curiosity may very well prove her undoing.

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3 thoughts on “Study in Slaughter: Schooled in Magic, Book 3

  1. If you like the Harry Potter stories Truly captivating story. The writer transports you to Emily’s world to a point where you can clearly picture her surroundings, her friends and her challenges. If you like the Harry Potter stories, and/or stories of fantasy, magic and mystery, you will love these books as well. I could hardly put the book down and am already partially through the next. I highly recommend the “Schooled in Magic” books.

  2. Great series. Fun to read Great series. Fun to read. Something interesting to note. In a way, this is a Science Fiction story disguised as fantasy. Science Fiction explores the effect of a technology or science on the people or society. This series is chock full of it. Although there are ‘main bad guys’ to be defeated in the series, it is mostly about character growth and social interaction with the above mentioned science fiction sub plots. It’s not a shallow fantasy. If you are looking for that, move on.

  3. A flawed protagnist.. in a good way! I really like the way the series and the main protagonist is developing. Emily is both sympathetic and flawed, which is very difficult to achieve. The book showcases both her weaknesses and her development in a believable manner. After 2 books (1 year) in the new world an anti social person did not suddenly become fully integrated into her new community, Emily remains mostly an outsider, not due to her origin but rather her character. She excels at magic, logics and shows great determination,…

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