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Super Powereds: Year 1

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Knowledge is power. That would be the motto of Lander University, had it not been snatched up and used to death by others long before the school was founded. For while Lander offers a full range of courses to nearly all students, it also offers a small number of specialty classes to a very select few. Lander is home to the Hero Certification Program, a curriculum designed to develop students with superhuman capabilities, commonly known as Supers, into official Heroes. Five of this year’s freshmen are extra special. They have a secret aside from their abilities, one that they must guard from even their classmates. For every one person in the world with abilities they can control, there are three who lack such skill. These lesser super beings, Powereds as they are called, have always been treated as burdens and second class citizens. Though there has been ample research in the area, no one has ever succeeded in turning a Powered into a regular human, let alone a Super. That is, until now . . .

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3 thoughts on “Super Powereds: Year 1

  1. A college year Harry Potter novel for Superheroes If you’ve read any of the reviews, in particular the bad ones, you will know this ebook has some editting issues. The same can be said for many of the books that have been developed because of epublishing. I don’t believe for a second that this issue detracts from the overall experience. All of the mistakes are simple to decipher. You might reread a sentence every once and a while, but aside from that it is no big deal. 

  2. Solid fun (for certain values of fun) I’m terrible at talking about what I *like* about a book. What works for me depends a lot on what I’m in the mood to be reading. I am usually much more clear about what I don’t like, so I want to preface this review with two statements: 

  3. One of my all time favorites! It saddens me to say, but I am much better at writing a negative review than I am a positive one. It is just so hard to pin down exactly why I think a book is great, but all to easy why it is horrible. That being said, this review will probably suck, but this book is awesome. 

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