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Super Powereds: Year 2: Super Powereds, Book 2

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Despite having their secret revealed, the residents of Melbrook Hall return to Lander University for another year in the Hero Certification Program. Good thing the focus of this year is teamwork, because with their origins known, they’ll have to lean on each other more than ever.

Now finally sophomores, their curriculum expands, allowing them to train in the majors that Heroes specialize in. The new classes will test their minds, bodies, and determination in ways never anticipated. In a year filled with the unveiling of secrets, unexpected entanglements, and, of course, super-powered battles, who will be left standing is anyone’s guess. Because if all that weren’t enough, more light is being shed on last year’s kidnapping attempt, and the results point at something far bigger than mere rogue educators.

Something that isn’t even close to being over with.

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3 thoughts on “Super Powereds: Year 2: Super Powereds, Book 2

  1. Tough choices ahead-Choose your friends wisely I’m not sure if Super Powereds (actually given the underlying premise of the story I think that the title should read “Super/Powered” Year whatever) is a YA series or just a damn good Superhero Prose Novel series. 

  2. Spectacular A excellent sequel to a phenomenal story, Drew Hayes creates a world were super heroes are real and powerful but not necessarily dominant. The addition of powers and the stigmas surrounding them have created a very real and believable world. In the sequel he develops several characters outside of the five(sixish) main ones while letting others (Mr. Numbers and Transport) to fade somewhat. Drew Hayes fills year 2 with surprises and mysteries. (Give this man your money so he will write faster!)

  3. A real 5 star rating. Just buy it! I really enjoyed this series. First I’d like to say, it’s a long book, I felt like I finally got my money’s worth! The story is engaging and kept my interest through the entire book. This author is imaginative and the heroes have powers and abilities that are unique. I read 100+ books per year and I have written exactly two authors in 2 years. I wrote this author to tell him I enjoyed the hell out of the ride my mind went on reading his work. If you like superhero books and want to lose…

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