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Take the Body and Give Me the Rest: Dark Gods and Tainted Souls, Book 1

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Seth stood and watched the nightmare creature as it tore its past master into bloody shreds and tried not to let the gripping fear show on his face. He could feel the man’s life force, his memories, his talents and hard won skills filling his own mind and body turning him into something much more than the lowly soldier he’d been just mere moments before.

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3 thoughts on “Take the Body and Give Me the Rest: Dark Gods and Tainted Souls, Book 1

  1. A must read! This is a book that brings you into a new and immersive world. It immediately catches your attention and you find yourself drawn into the pages, having a vivid story dance through your mind. The writing style is easy to follow and does require the reader to have a college level education to be able to take in and enjoy the book. It does the action sequences well and is not prone to over simplification or glossing over the action scenes. 

  2. buy this book!!! Definitely well written despite the typos. the author is obviously a better storyteller than a writer, but I’ll take that any day. The story is definitely worth the read for me and hit many of the themes I favour. I prefer loner MCs and this one fit me right to the T, I also enjoy some action, and there certainly was a lot here, I like the MC to be grey and not the boring vanilla good guy template we see in almost every book, and if he has some smarts as well as some brawn that’s all good too…

  3. A good read> I purchased this as a gift for my daughter, that being said I did read it. It is not my usual genre but it was a good read. Plenty of suspense and mystery. I like the supernatural elements such as wolf demons. Parts of this actually reminded me of the tv show Supernatural which I love. My daughter will really like this book. 

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