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Talon: Ashes & Embers, Book 4

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A social experiment (a scary but exciting concept): marry a total stranger, live together for six months, and journal everything.

Feelings. Fights. All of it.

After six months, we each get $50,000 in exchange for our journals, whether we stay married or not. But the goal is to commit to the experience and see if the relationship experts could put together the perfect matches.

I have never been lucky in love. This was my chance to find my soulmate. I couldn’t wait to meet the man the experts felt was perfect for me. My hopes were immediately dashed when I saw him at the altar. I married my worst nightmare. Right?

Contains mature themes.

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3 thoughts on “Talon: Ashes & Embers, Book 4

  1. Honestly wish I could give this more than 5 rocking stars! It’s been so long since I picked up a book and just couldn’t put it down. I mean my kindle went EVERYWHERE with me so I could continue to read this book. 

  2. Beautifully written, honest and just such a wonderful read =) I have been in absolute awe since the first time I read a Carian Cole book. So far I have read every one she has written to date and after devouring Talon I have to say BRAVO woman…you have matured into quite an amazing storyteller and this one is by far my favorite (and that is saying a lot because I adored all of the boys). 

  3. New favorite author for me! Oh Wow! I don’t even know where to start or how not to ramble about this book. There are so many things bouncing around in my head about this book, I’m not sure how to keep this review clear and concise. I’ll start by saying that this is not the typical type of book that I read but this book changed me. I’m usually a Dark reader, only Dark, but I see I have been missing out on some great new talent, specifically Carian Cole. This book called to me for some reason so I signed up for it for my…

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