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Tha War: Play to Live, Book 6

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The magic flames are raging. Blades are melting. Souls are reduced to ashes in the fury of battle. The grand finale of the war for the First Temple is upon us. The last trump cards have been played, the reserves are all exhausted, and even the gods have engaged in the plebeian fight.

The universe is on the point of collapse. Broken are the chains that hold the worlds together. The icy waters of the Baltic cool the scorching sands of the Frontier. The creatures of AlterWorld spill the first blood on the quiet streets of Earth’s cities.

What will Max do? Become embittered and butcher his enemies? Seize the deserted castles and abandoned lands? Attempt to save the one who had given her life defending him? Or try to win the jackpot by finding a way home, back to Earth?

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3 thoughts on “Tha War: Play to Live, Book 6

  1. not as good as previous books This series is going downhill. The initial books were exciting and easy to follow with good character and plot development. Now it is a chaotic mess for me and hard to follow along with what is happening and who is who. Things just really skip around and not enough attention has been paid to making an understandable plot. I also think that the price is too high for a short novel. Although I eagerly awaited this book and had pre-ordered it, I will not do so with the next one. I think the…

  2. Avoid at all costs I noticed in the first few books how D. Rus portrayed how corrupt the current government was in the real world and escaping to AlterWorld was one of the few ways to gain freedom. Now, six books into the series, they’ve discovered that the real enemy is “America”, which has a brain washing program to turn Russian immigrants into slave labor. Really!?! 

  3. The disappointment. I loved the first few books in this series. With an unholy passion. That passion is the only reason I will be buying the last. This one.. Was just such a huge huge disappointment all the way through. 

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