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The Art of Exceptional Living

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Begin by making your life a work of art. You don’t have to be a super-achiever. You don’t have to be unusually creative. You don’t have to endure great obstacles. According to success expert, Jim Rohn, you don’t have to do exceptional things at all. Just do ordinary things exceptionally well. That’s The Art of Exceptional Living.

There are things you can, should and must do to get your life on track of success. You may not be aware of it, but they are already in your heart. In The Art of Exceptional Living, Rohn provides the ideas and inspiration that lead to unstoppable daily progress. Using his exceptional powers of communication, he helps you through difficult subject matter, and teaches you how to get beyond personal setbacks to begin living according to ypour own rules. You’ll begin by following the strategies of exceptional living, including: Four major lessons that must be mastered in life The most common self-imposed limitations and how to deal with them How to get a miracle going in your life The foundation of good financial strategy

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3 thoughts on “The Art of Exceptional Living

  1. Great introduction to Jim Rohn This work was my first foray into the world of Jim Rohn. I decided to check him out after learning that Anthony Robbins cut his teeth in Rohn’s seminar business.The only reason I gave this a 4 instead of a 5 is because this really is more of an introductory taste of the “You control your destiny” kind of work. It looks like his other works are more specific. This would be a great gift for someone who has never checked out a self-help book or audiotape, and I believe it would…

  2. A deeply thought-provoking message for a better life Get past the poor editing, ignore the Americanisms, hear through the hype, and you can capture the essence of his crystal-clear message. Given in a no-nonsense, down-to earth manner, Jim Rohn’s ‘sermon’ reaches within you and makes you wonder just why this brilliantly simple philosophy of life isn’t taken up by all. His principles are faultless, timeless and certainly inspiring … as well as sobering. I listened to a different version of this tape 8 years ago but ignored it then … I’m…

  3. He really puts it on you! Jim Rohn is one of the few motivational speakers who doesn’t just tell stories about other people. I have listened to many others, including the self promoting Tony Robbins and they all seem to tell the same stories. How can the same things happen to all of them? Jim Rohn actually tells you what to do to lead a successful life and then “puts it on you” to be successful. For instance “How many books have you read in the last 6 months, for your future and fortune?”. None…

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