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The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left

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Dinesh D’Souza, author of three #1 New York Times bestsellers, now investigates the fundamental philosophical difference between conservatives, who believe in providing ladders for Americans to climb, and liberals, who believe in dragging Americans along with a rope.

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3 thoughts on “The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left

  1. Great book! Great book. Dinesh outlines the history of fascism and nazi-ism and shows us how it became modern progressivism. He also shows how and why the left changed the perception of these terrible evils as being created by the right. This is what the title “The Big Lie” refers to. He specifically focuses on Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt and John Kennedy Sr. This book is very well researched and you are sure to learn a lot from reading it. It is long, and long winded, including giving the…

  2. This is an incredibly face-paced book that reads like an action movie This is an incredibly face-paced book that reads like an action movie. It’s similar to James O’Keefe’s “Breakthrough” in that sense. D’Souza swiftly takes you from the origins of National Socialism to today’s Antifa without skipping a beat. He permanently killed the race card with Hillary’s America and I believe he will do the same to the Nazi card with this book.

  3. Thank you, Mr. D’Souza! Well written, accurate characterization of Hitler’s use of facets of organized democrat party in the south. These facts are easily confirmed by the average grade schooler. Facts don’t change incorrect opinions but if the truth can get through to even a few, job well done. D’Souza does not disappoint.

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