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The Blood Mirror: Lightbringer, Book 4

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The nail-biting continuation of the Lightbringer series from New York Times best seller Brent Weeks.

When does an empire fall?

The Seven Satrapies have collapsed into four – and those are falling before the White King’s armies.

Gavin Guile, ex-emperor, ex-Prism, ex-galley slave, formerly the one man who might have averted war, is now lost, broken, and trapped in a prison crafted by his own hands to hold a great magical genius. But Gavin has no magic at all. Worse, in this prison Gavin may not be alone.

Kip Guile will make a last desperate attempt to stop the White King’s growing horde. Karris White attempts to knit together an empire falling apart, helped only by her murderous and possibly treasonous father-in-law, Andross Guile.

Meanwhile Teia’s new talents will find a darker use – and the cost might be too much to bear. Together they will fight to prevent a tainted empire from becoming something even worse.

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3 thoughts on “The Blood Mirror: Lightbringer, Book 4

  1. Transition Novel Sadly, I am a little disappointed. I feel like the story is spinning out of control like the Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan did. I highly doubt the series will be wrapped up in book 5. I love the story but the extra detail doesn’t seem like it’s moving the plot along at a swift enough pace. I love Gavin and Karris but the pace of their story ground to a halt. Interesting details are revealed by Gavin but I suffered thru nails on a chalkboard to get them. Brent Weeks is still one of my…

  2. Do you enjoy plot? Welcome to filler FILLER PART 2. 

  3. Nice taste for fans of the series, but nothing anyone will be satisfied with First off, I have to say I’m a big fan of Brent Weeks. But this has to be my least favorite book (not counting the Night Angel novella). I suppose it is in part due to the fact that the last three books seemed to get better and better. I was expecting book 4 to be as great as book 3. It wasn’t. It isn’t all bad. There are definitely things about this book that I loved. It’s just overall disappointing. 

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