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The Clayton M. Christensen Reader

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3 thoughts on “The Clayton M. Christensen Reader

  1. Recommendable A simple review for a great collection of articles about disruptive innovation. The articles themselves are not new, as regular readers of Harvard Business Review may notice, yet the collection of the articles into a handy volume is the real deal. The reader is treated to the equivalent of having Christensen coming to their office and giving a high-intensity, deep and personal briefing, providing a means to understand what disruptive innovation is and how you can either seek to take advantage…

  2. Great overview of an influential business thinker’s work The processes and incentives that companies use to keep focused on their main customers work so well that they blind those companies to important new technologies in emerging markets, and this leaves established companies vulnerable to new entrants who start by using the new technologies to target the low end of the market and gradually work their way upward to squeeze out incumbents in the profitable part of the market. That is the process of digital disruption for which Clayton Christensen is…

  3. Disruptive Innovation Reader Change is our constant companion in relationships and in the world of work. Yet, change frightens many people, and they look for courses titled: “managing change”, which purport to show participant how to control change. In reality, the better model is change leadership. 

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