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The Dead Man: A Jack Davis Thriller, Book 2

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And the world turns to black. Death comes for all of us. But it comes like a thief in the night. Not predicted in excruciating detail in a dream. Right?

A Kansas City billionaire recruits subjects for his neuroscience research on a platform of hope delving deeply into the mysterious neural pathways of memory and dreams.

But something has gone terribly wrong.

Research participants are having horrific nightmares, their dreams coming true with deadly consequences. It sounds like some kind of twilight zone madness. But people are dying. Their blood cries out. And Jack Davis, now an ex-FBI agent, must answer that call.

Jack fights his own demons, battling the rare movement disorder that forced him out of the FBI. His debilitating flare-ups color the backdrop as he investigates rage-filled murders and uncovers secrets, shattering long-held illusions and raising ghosts better left dead.

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3 thoughts on “The Dead Man: A Jack Davis Thriller, Book 2

  1. 3.5 star mystery thriller Entertaining thriller featuring a very interesting protagonist! 

  2. Too predictable! This book really shouldn’t be compared to Grisham or Patterson. It had a great storyline, but it was soooo predictable! I knew who the killer was within 15 minutes. After that, I felt like I was just waiting for the characters to catch up. This could have been easily avoided by omitting just a couple of scenes.

  3. Good – but OH so predictable! I enjoyed reading this book mostly because of the characters. I loved the interaction between Jack and Lucy most of all. HOWEVER – the killer’s identity was so obvious – almost from the beginning. Most of the time when this happens I generally give the book only one or two stars – but because the characters were so interesting and the “read” pleasurable I gave it the three stars.

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