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The perma players’ new reality gains depth and color. The virtual world has seen its first birth – and its first death. The invisible umbilical cord connecting AlterWorld to Earth grows thinner, and even the Fallen One cannot prevent the looming catastrophe. Could Max have ignored the Russian girl who’d just escaped slavery in a virtual China? Could he have turned a deaf ear to her pleas as the desperate fugitive clutched at straws on hearing her native tongue? All this triggers a full-blown confrontation, sending armies of thousands into battle in the heart of the Frontier, burning kilotons of mana, melting desert sands and hacking through impervious mithril armor. The two nations’ furious war cries obscure the sky as the gods shudder at humans’ desperate cruelty.

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3 thoughts on "The Duty: Play to Live, Book 3"

  1. Autumn Turner says:

    A must read! I enjoyed this book and it was a great continuation of the series. Things get a little deeper when it comes to the outside world vs. Alterworld.There were only a couple issues with the editing- but I have seen more in books published from the Big Five- and when it comes to independently published novels, I allow at least ten glaring editing issues before I take away stars in the review.Now to wait for the fourth to be translated!

  2. Adam says:

    If you enjoy Ready Player One or Snow Crash this should be the next series for your required reading As was with the first two, D. Rus really knows how to keep a story moving. If you haven’t read the first two books, stop reading this review and just buy them. I’ve read that this series is on it’s 6th book and because of this series, I really want to learn Russian so I can stop waiting for these to be translated.

  3. Pat says:

    Love the book, want more One of the things I worry about with these types of books is how the main character can become overpowered too quickly. This is not a problem with this book. This is an awesome book (I think the word awesome is being used just too much in this review and others, but it is earned.)My only regret is that the book was too short and that book 4 has not yet been released. Right now I’m feel like I’m going through withdrawal because I can’t get my fix of the author’s wonderful story.

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