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The Fate of the Tearling (Queen of the Tearling)

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“Katniss Everdeen, you have competition.”—Entertainment Weekly

The thrilling conclusion to the New York Times bestselling Tearling trilogy.

In less than a year, Kelsea Glynn has transformed from a gawky teenager into a powerful monarch. As she has come into her own as the Queen of the Tearling, the headstrong, visionary leader has also transformed her realm. In her quest to end corruption and restore justice, she has made many enemies—including the evil Red Queen, her fiercest rival, who has set her armies against the Tear.

To protect her people from a devastating invasion, Kelsea did the unthinkable—she gave herself and her magical sapphires to her enemy—and named the Mace, the trusted head of her personal guards, regent in her place. But the Mace will not rest until he and his men rescue their sovereign, imprisoned in Mortmesne.

Now, as the suspenseful endgame begins, the fate of Queen Kelsea—and the Tearling itself—will finally be revealed.

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3 thoughts on “The Fate of the Tearling (Queen of the Tearling)

  1. 3.5 Stars – A solid, but not entirely satisfying, ending. Love this series, and though this book was a page-turner, it was not necessarily satisfying as a finale for the much-loved characters.

  2. Skip it I LOVED the first two books of this series. This book felt rushed. Too many characters that you became attached to in the series were not given enough time. Motivations did not entirely make sense and the ultimate resolution felt like a slap in the face to all that came before. I wish Johansen had split this into two books to give the characters more time. I did enjoy the new additions to the story. She has created a fascinating and wonderfully drawn world overall with characters that are…

  3. A disappointment I’m unsure if I can adequately express how much I loved the first two books in this series. Not only were they creative and exciting, but they were also unique and well written. The first two books were so completely amazing that the idea of waiting over a year for the final installment in the series was both agonizing and unbearable. That being said, this book was a complete and utter disappointment. 

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