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The Fix Up

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British bad boy Sterling Quinn needs a wife. After his great-grandfather, the former prince something or another, passes and leaves him millions, he’s shocked to discover the massive inheritance has a clause – he needs to clean up his image and be married in order to receive his millions.

When word gets out that this hottie has royal blood running through his veins, and is on the prowl for Mrs. Right, crazy ex-girlfriends, school-yard crushes, and thousands of other hopeful women flock to his doorstep.

What he needs is a manager to help him sort through the clutter.

Enter Camryn Palmer, PR executive. Camryn has had a front row seat to her friend Sterling’s revolving-door of a love-life for years. But when she’s hired to clean up his image and manage the hordes of women cruising through his bedroom door, she’s stuck between a rock and a hard place. Literally.

Yes, she has secret fantasies about being the one to keep his bed warm – what woman doesn’t? He’s sinfully attractive, and she wants to kiss that cocky English accent right off his lips, but she’s got a job to do. She’s a professional through and through, and besides, an arranged marriage could never be a happy one. Right?

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3 thoughts on “The Fix Up

  1. Swooning guaranteed!! I had never read any books by Kendall Ryan when a friend mentioned wanting to read The Fix Up. I downloaded a sample onto my Ereader and before I knew what I was doing I had one-clicked and was halfway through the story! 

  2. Fun story! Not my favorite by Kendall Ryan but was still a fun and quick read. The story line (although obviously pretty far fetched) is fun and the banter between the man characters pulled its weight. There were of course some pretty good sex scenes and overall I enjoyed the story. The only thing that irked me a little was that there were points in the story were there were time gaps were the author just tells us briefly what has happened and we have not really been apart of it (especially at the…

  3. STERLING is Hot and British! The Fix Up by Kendall Ryan was such a good book and it will have you wanting your own Sterling. It gave me more feels than I expected and Kendall took this book on a whole different direction than I thought. I LOVED that. When authors surprise you it feels good to be lead in a different direction. 

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