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The Flood: Arisen, Book 10

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London under Siege
With the tide of dead lapping at the walls of London, Major Jameson must decide whether to roll the dice and lead One Troop on a desperate mission into the fallen Russian Empire, to retrieve a designer pathogen so lethal it even kills the dead….

Chaos on Shore
Miles over his head and on the precipice of failure and extinction, Wesley must lead an overmatched and under-equipped shore team through biblical fire and flood, to salvage any hope of completing the vaccine in time to save humanity….

Africa Devours
On their final mission, a unified Alpha team fights for the ultimate fate of the world – and for their very survival, trapped at ground zero of the fall of Man, inundated by a deluge of never-before-imagined threats, and knowing that failure in their mission means extinction for the species….

Desperation. Heroism. Survival. The Flood.

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3 thoughts on “The Flood: Arisen, Book 10

  1. Unstoppable The acts of heroism throughout this whole series are truly inspirational. I am amazed that every book has cranked up the action so much more than the last. This is absolutely the finest storytelling I have ever had the pleasure to read. I am sorry to find I have inhaled all the published volumes and now must wait for the next one to appear. 

  2. Slip and slide down the zombercoaster! The tenth “mainline” novel in the Arisen series hits like an aircraft carrier running into a continent! 

  3. This Johnny Come Lately Loves Arisen, Book Ten, The Flood. Great War Stories from the Future Length: 280 pages. This is not yet available at for some reason. 

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