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The Heart of War: The Warsworn, Book 3

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King Tryton has rebuilt a nation, forged peace from war, and returned his people to the honor they had lost. Now guarding mages, guildmasters, and kings, the rock trolls inspire respect rather than fear. In spite of his feats, it is his family that brings him pride. He has trained his children in every facet of combat, preparing them for a world of conflict.

It will not be enough.

In the distant past another rock troll reigned supreme – until he disappeared. His will was bound to another, his flesh empowered with forgotten magic, and his body covered with impenetrable armor. Now he leads an army from another realm and serves the Lord of Chaos himself. Bound for eons, his rage has only grown in exile. When he gains his freedom the invasion begins.

And the world ends.

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3 thoughts on “The Heart of War: The Warsworn, Book 3

  1. Another good chapter of this story I am thoroughly enjoying this world, its people and its mythology. The author is doing a good job weaving together the various story lines and still providing new and interesting characters. Looking forward to more!

  2. Very Good book The final book in this trilogy ends with a bang, quite literally. For some who haven’t read other books that are related, it raises more questions than answers at the end. Especially about Draeken, and how he was killed. How did Jack Myst become involved?Anyway, a really good book.

  3. and I highly recommend that you read that first as this book has … This book takes place a generation down the road and involves Tryton and his children, all formidable Warriors in their own right. 

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