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The Kartoss Gambit: Way of the Shaman, Book 2

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A product of the latest technologies, Barliona is a virtual world brimming with fun and entertainment. The government has become the guarantor for the in-game currency, allowing its free circulation. As a result the population floods Barliona in pursuit of easy money.

It doesn’t take long for the game developers to discover a source of free labor: real-world prison convicts. While their bodies are locked in special auto-maintenance virtual capsules, the prisoners’ minds are released into Barliona’s virtual mines.

Dmitry Mahan has been through it all. Sentenced to eight years’ hard labor, he now struggles with an unpopular class – the Shaman – and an equally unpopular profession of a Jeweler. His fight for survival becomes anything but virtual.

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3 thoughts on “The Kartoss Gambit: Way of the Shaman, Book 2

  1. LitRes at it’s finest! The Way of the Shaman is the series that introduced me to LitRpg books and with the second book in this series Vasily Mahanenko has continued to tell a great story. I highly recommend this and his other series.

  2. Kartoss Gambit The first part was about the daily grind of a MMO, made interesting through the character’s interaction with the setting and him trying to come to grips with the situation. The second part sets the protagonist loose in the world, ending him up right smack in the middle of something big. The BBEG is introduced, but the conflict itself is partially personal (how to get xp and the proper skills) intermixed with what to the protagonist appears to be a major gaming scenario. As a reader though it…

  3. Best LitRPG I’ve read so far! In this sequel to “,” our main character continues his journey as a prisoner in the virtual world of Barliona. He managed to get out of the mines in record time and is on parole in the main game world. He is sent to a small village at the edge of the kingdom, marked as a convict, and cannot spend more than 48 hours at a time away from it. And the nearest town is 48…

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