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The Last Girl: The Dominion Trilogy, Book 1

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A mysterious worldwide epidemic reduces the birthrate of female infants from 50 percent to less than one percent. Medical science and governments around the world scramble in an effort to solve the problem, but 25 years later there is no cure, and an entire generation grows up with a population of fewer than 1000 women.

Zoey and some of the surviving young women are housed in a scientific research compound dedicated to determining the cause. For two decades, she’s been isolated from her family, treated as a test subject, and locked away – told only that the virus has wiped out the rest of the world’s population.

Captivity is the only life Zoey has ever known, and escaping her heavily armed captors is no easy task, but she’s determined to leave before she is subjected to the next round of tests…a program that no other woman has ever returned from. Even if she’s successful, Zoey has no idea what she’ll encounter in the strange new world beyond the facility’s walls. Winning her freedom will take brutality she never imagined she possessed, as well as all her strength and cunning – but Zoey is ready for war.

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3 thoughts on “The Last Girl: The Dominion Trilogy, Book 1

  1. Loved it! Wow, I’m surprised at how many negative reviews. This goes to show me that I can’t judge a book based off other’s opinions as I loved this book. I thought he did well with the character building and the plot. The story line was unique and intriguing. I was sucked in very quickly and didn’t put the put down until it was finished. Was it perfect? No. Did it sweep me away into his imagination and take me to another world? Yes, it did and I was on the edge of my seat reading it at times…

  2. The Last Girl Reminds One of Stephen King’s The Stand. Heroine is Well-Drawn, Action Scenes Superb, but, Unresolved Ending. Length: Print, 386 pages; Audible, 13 hours 42 minutes. 

  3. Strangely engaging – but such a disappointment Have you ever read a book and been like, what made me read that? I mean sure it was free because of my Amazon Prime membership – but what kept me reading it until the very end? I guess I wanted to know what happened to Zoey (the lead character). Though I can say that this book was a colossal disappointment and waste of time. POSSIBLE SPOILERS — QUIT READING NOW — SPOILERS. I think I have to tell you a little bit about the book to let you know why I am so disappointed in it. There are just…

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