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The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying: A Simple, Effective Way to Banish Clutter Forever

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Transform your home into a permanently clear and clutter-free space with the incredible KonMari Method. Japan’s expert declutterer and professional cleaner Marie Kondo will help you tidy your rooms once and for all with her inspirational step-by-step method.

The key to successful tidying is to tackle your home in the correct order, to keep only the things you really love and to do it all at once – and quickly. After that for the rest of your life you need only to choose what to keep and what to discard.

The KonMari Method will not just transform your space. Once you have your house in order, you will find that your whole life will change. You can feel more confident, you can become more successful, and you can have the energy and motivation to create the life you want. You will also have the courage to move on from the negative aspects of your life: you can recognise and finish a bad relationship; you can stop feeling anxious; you can finally lose weight.

Marie Kondo’s method is based on a ‘once cleaned, never messy again’ approach. If you think that such a thing is impossible, then you should definitely listen to this compelling audiobook.

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3 thoughts on “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying: A Simple, Effective Way to Banish Clutter Forever

  1. Truly life changing I rarely write reviews, but this book truly sparked something in me that I feel compelled to share. The basic concept is to only surround yourself with things that spark joy. Decide what you want to keep, not necessarily what you want to throw away. I have bought other organization or purging books in hopes of getting my cluttered home in order. This book was the only one that I read all the way through and actually put into practice. The anthropomorphism in this book spoke to me for some…

  2. True account of someone who thought she was tidy already Marie Kondo says something to the effect of: If you read this book and feel as though it is you, then it is meant to be. Not a direct quote, but something that resignates with me as I read some of the negative reviews. This book spoke to me, it was truly magic. When I moved 9 months ago, I took approx 3 car loads of belongings to goodwill, thinking that I had done a darn good job of getting rid of unnecessary items. Yet still, my home continued to be rather cluttered and storage spaces felt…

  3. Change your relationship with stuff and finally kick the clutter habit! I will admit to having a tortured relationship with stuff. I grew up in a cluttered house and married the King of Clutter (he’s the type of person who’ll open a credit card bill, pay it online, and then just leave the empty envelope, inserts, and bill itself randomly strewn on whatever surface happens to be nearby). I don’t like the disorder of clutter, but dealing with it is such a soul-sucking experience that I haven’t gotten very far. Many days I semi-wish the whole place would burn down and…

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