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The Man of Legends

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Award-winning science-fiction mastermind Kenneth Johnson blends epic adventure, romance, and evocative drama into an intense supernatural thriller rooted in one of the great untold legends of human history.

New York City, New Year’s weekend, 2001. Jillian Guthrie, a troubled young journalist, stumbles onto a tantalizing mystery: the same man, unaged, stands alongside Ulysses S. Grant, Theodore Roosevelt, and Gandhi in three different photographs spanning eighty-five years of history.

In another part of town, Will—an enigmatic thirty-three-year-old of immense charm, wit, and intelligence—looks forward to the new year with hope and trepidation. Haunted by his secret past and shadowed by a dangerous stranger, he finds himself the object of an intense manhunt spearheaded by an ambitious Vatican emissary and an elderly former UN envoy named Hanna.

During the next forty-eight hours, a catastrophic event unites Will, Jillian, and Hanna—and puts them in the crosshairs of a centuries-old international conspiracy. Together, the three must unravel an ancient curse that stretches back two millennia and beyond, and face a primal evil that threatens their lives and thousands more.

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3 thoughts on “The Man of Legends

  1. The Wandering Jew modernized. I am aware that there is an old legend about a man whom Jesus condemned to wander the earth until He returned. It may be based on Jesus’ reply to St. Peter when Jesus questioned the master concerning John’s fate (John 21:22). The legend that I know has it that the wanderer was Jewish, so the legend is known as that of the :”Wandering Jew.” In Johnson’s version, the man was a member of the Roman Guard. When Jesus stumbled near him, this man shoved Christ and commanded Him to “Go…

  2. Breathless action, religious intrigue, and a legendary man with an incredible “heritage” Lovers of breakneck-paced stories with a religious/conspiracy twist ala “Da Vinci Code” will enjoy this epic roller-coaster ride of a novel courtesy of a man who has brought us many great television series. Kenneth Johnson takes on the novel world with a story that literally spans the course of two days, yes, 48 hours! yet packs so much into it you finish reading completely out of breath and drenched in sweat. The story is told in an interesting format – a journalist recounting the…

  3. Eighty-three pages in, and I cared about nothing and no one!!! Seriously, 83 PAGES? This book is a pass. Ok, can I just say that I am sick of writing critical reviews. Nobody likes them. They don’t make me happy. They don’t make the author happy. I frequently have to deal with angry comments… The entire operation is about as fun as a kick in the teeth. But in this case, I don’t know what else to say, because I hated this book. I quit at pg 83, and there isn’t a single one of those pages I didn’t have to force myself to read. 

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