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The Mystery Box

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Soccer mom Yvette Palmer lives an ordinary life in San Antonio, Texas when a box is delivered to her by mistake, and in taking it to its rightful owner – a crotchety neighbor named Mona who shares her back fence – is drawn into a strange and haunting tale.

Mona’s ratty robe, mood swings, and secretive behavior all raise red flags, and Yvette is sure someone else is living there despite Mona’s claim to live alone, but Yvette is unable to break away as she listens to how Mona transformed from a young college woman about to be married to the odd, reclusive, ghost of a woman she is now.

As Yvette listens to her neighbor’s tale, she discovers a shocking connection, but doesn’t know whether Mona’s come to help or to harm her and her family.

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3 thoughts on “The Mystery Box

  1. very disturbing Would never have read it if I had known what it was going to be like. Very violent. Very disturbing. Not an enjoyable book unless you like mind games abuse and mental problems. Not my kind of book.

  2. Rape, torture, kidnapping … Marie’s Read 

  3. The Mystery Box–Great Read! I chose this book for our book club and was not expecting the twists and turns in this book. It was so well written and all of us enjoyed it very much. The main character, Yvette, is delivered a box that was intended for her strange neighbor. When Yvette goes to give her the box, it opens up a whole world that she didn’t know existed. I didn’t expect the kind of world it opened up, but it made it impossible to put down. I would recommend this book if you’re looking for a fast, easy read…

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