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The Phantom Castle (Way of the Shaman)

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What can a game clan accomplish without a castle? The answer is obvious: nothing. Therefore, the main objective of any leader in a game world is to acquire a base of operations. Finding himself in exactly this position, High Shaman Mahan, leader of the Legends of Barliona, accepts an offer from the Emperor and the Dark Lord to vanquish the army of Phantoms that has inhabited Altameda, the phantom castle. However, this seemingly ordinary quest sets in motion such a momentous chain of events that the Shaman can do nothing but resort to his intuition and act on instinct. After all, a player who is being hunted by the three top clans of the continent at once, can do little else . . .

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3 thoughts on “The Phantom Castle (Way of the Shaman)

  1. Too Frantic, Too Frenzied, Too Jumbled. The world revolves around one character only too jumbled and erratic too be great. The shaman’s story continues but its hectic and bounces back and forth a bit too much in this book. Also its becoming clear that everything is all about the MC. Literally the entire world and all the important characters both PC and NPC dance around the MC alone. Even if he doesn’t seem to understand this time and time again it happens. I think that’s actually my biggest grip about the series now. This guy can’t sneeze without fouling up the world or…

  2. Awesome continuation of great series. This in an incredibly talented author. ok…this writer is amazingly talented. That said, this book isn’t quite as good as the earlier books in the series. I give is a solid 4 stars still…this series overall is amazing though… 

  3. Good But Good continuation of The Way Of The Shaman series but has similar problems to alterworld of what to do with a character after making them slightly OP. And the plot gets super convoluted multiple times. And the MC gets “led” into a trap. MULTIPLE. TIMES. Seriously you’d think he’d stop what he was doing and look for traps, but nope. 

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