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The Playbook

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*Contains adult content and language*

My life revolved around two things. Football and my cock. And not necessarily in that order. Being the head football coach for a top university in Texas had its ups and its downs. The ups? Endless women to f–k. The downs? The politics that came with the job. From the moment Aubrey Cain walked into my office, she turned my world upside down. Being forced to have her follow me around for a month was going to be a pain in the ass. Especially since I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her. The best I’d hoped to come out of this was a few nights with her in my bed. I never imagined she’d be the game changer.

Brett Owens was my assignment. Head football coach for a top college, bad boy reputation, short temper, and handsome good looks should have scared me off. But I was tougher than that. From the first words out of his obnoxious, dirty-talking mouth, I knew it was going to be a long month. It wasn’t five minutes after meeting him that he hit on me. If only I had known his blue eyes would haunt my dreams and awaken a desire inside of me I never knew existed. This was business. There was no way I would be tempted by him, no matter how good looking he was or how many things he whispered in my ear. He was only supposed to be my assignment. Not the man who threatened to destroy both my heart and my career. I would follow along with his playbook for now. But who would end up winning was anyone’s guess.

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3 thoughts on “The Playbook

  1. Touchdown again!!! Wow Kelly has done it again. I was blown away again by her amazing story, I have read everything she has written an I absolutely love them all. This one caught my attention right off because I love sports and anything to do with them so I couldn’t wait to read about this hot coach and womanizer. 

  2. My Thoughts on The Playbook The Playbook introduced us to Brett, a college football coach and ladies man, as well as Aubrey, a sports reporter for ESPN. From their very first meeting the two had an instant connection, but they fear any relationship between the two of them would not be viewed well by her boss, so they fight and try to ignore their feelings. The more the two get to know each other, the more impossible denying their attraction becomes. But Aubrey has worked hard for her career and doesn’t know if she wants…

  3. Touchdown for Kelly Elliott Touchdown for Kelly Elliott! This is a Stand-alone novel from the talented Kelly Elliott that starts off with a different type of Man. Many are very familiar with Kelly’s Cowboys, and boy, are those men hot, but Kelly has introduced us to a new type of man, her football coach. This man has me wanting a bucket of water being poured on my after reading this book. I give the steaminess of this book 5 plus stars lol. 

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