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The Promise

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Since his brother’s death, Benny Bianchi has been nursing his grudge against the woman he thinks led to his brother’s downfall. He does this to bury the feelings he has for Francesca Concetti, his brother’s girl. But when Frankie takes a bullet while on the run with Benny’s cousin’s woman, Benny has to face those feelings. The problem is Frankie has decided she’s paid her penance. Penance she didn’t deserve to pay. She’s done with Benny and the Bianchi family. She’s starting a new life away from Chicago and her heartbreaking history.

Benny has decided differently. But Frankie has more demons she’s battling. Demons Benny wants to help her face. But life has landed so many hard knocks on Frankie, she’s terrified of believing in the promise of Benny Bianchi and the good life he’s offering. Frankie’s new life leads her to the ‘Burg, where Benny has ties, and she finds not only has she not succeeded in getting away – she doesn’t want to.

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3 thoughts on “The Promise

  1. The dude makes pizza. Readers who love Kristen Ashley will know exactly what I mean when I say that we LOVE LOVE LOVE old school KA. The Promise is old school. It’s all the reasons we fell in love with this Rock Chick and her writing in the first place. It’s everything we’ve come to expect in our favorite Kristen Ashley books, and a whole lot of awesome she’s never given us before. It’s officially in the books as one of my favorite Kristen Ashley books EVER. To say I feel honored to be writing this review for an…

  2. THE QUEEN OF HAPPY ENDINGS!!! “You were mine, even when you were his.” 

  3. Skip this one. This review is difficult because I’m a Kristen Ashley fan. She has redefined the Alpha Male and although her writing style takes some getting used to, her characters are typically witty, sharp, hot, and for the most part unforgettable. Unfortunately, that doesn’t hold true in The Promise… a book that if you can actually finish, you won’t mind forgetting. 

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