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The Rider: Galactic Football League Novellas, Book 4

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The Rider is a GFL novella co-written by Scott Sigler and Paul E Cooley. It is the story of The Roughland Ridgebacks captain, Poughkeepsie Pete, and his favorite mount, Old Bess the Tyrannosaurus Rex. They play dinolition, and they are the best team in the game.

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1 thought on “The Rider: Galactic Football League Novellas, Book 4

  1. Dinolition is here Another great Novela in the GFL series. Strap yourselves in and take a ride on Bess. Sigler and Cooley did a great job giving me everything I wanted in a Dinolition book. If you enjoy the GFL series or any other book in the Siglerverse you won’t be disappointed with the Rider.

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