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The Savannah Project: Jake Pendleton Series, Book 1

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The truth can be a dangerous thing.

Terrorism, duty, and personal safety collide when Jake Pendleton, an investigator for the NTSB, is called to investigate an aircraft accident in Savannah, Georgia during the St. Patrick’s Day celebration. The accident, which at first appears to be quite run-of-the-mill, turns out to be anything but. Since Jake is not willing to pretend there are no suspicious circumstances and more than the usual share of rather unlikely “coincidences,” he sets off a veritable avalanche of secrets, violence and treachery. Aided by an unlikely partner, Gregg Kaplan, the air traffic controller who was the last person in contact with the airplane that crashed, Jake sets out to untangle the webs of deceit and to find a vicious killer. Nothing is as it seems, nobody is who you thought them to be. Nothing is sacred. Nobody is safe.

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2 thoughts on “The Savannah Project: Jake Pendleton Series, Book 1

  1. Started good, but . . . 0

  2. A Special Ops/FAA procedural/Irish Troubles History Thriller No worries; this is NOT the old same old! An airplane crash starts off as a crash site “CSI” investigation, which is fascinating in itself. It then morphs into a Special Forces/CIA thriller set in the context of Sein Fein and the modern Ireland struggles. Of course there is an Arab terrorist aspect.No one is who they appear to be, and there are lots of well developed fascinating characters. There are evil unbelievably cruel villains you feel sorry for, complex bad guys who have soft…

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