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The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech

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Life-long liberal Kirsten Powers blasts the Left’s forced march towards conformity in an exposé of the illiberal war on free speech. No longer champions of tolerance and free speech, the “illiberal Left” now viciously attacks and silences anyone with alternative points of view. Powers asks, “Whatever happened to free speech in America?”

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3 thoughts on “The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech

  1. Free Speech is the most important right we have because without it we can’t enjoy any of the others. Like millions of other people, I watch and enjoy Fox News. Kirsten Powers is one of the reasons I enjoy that News Outlet. While many of the Progressives / Liberals on that channel are also fine journalists, some of the Liberal talking heads are there to carry water for their bosses, be it Obama or Hillary or whomever. Kirsten Powers is a person of deep conviction and belief. She comes to her views sincerely and honestly, and I enjoy hearing from people like that. 

  2. “We must silence Free Speech–FOR THE GREATER GOOD!”, said the ILLIBERAL Be afraid, be very afraid, because the events described in Kirsten’s book are snowballing. I think this should be a candidate for book of the year. Let me explain. I am a professor at a liberal state university, and I see all of the situations in Kirsten’s book unfolding first hand. In fact, my university was listed in Kirsten’s book as one of the colleges that threatened or derecognized Christian groups for their refusal to say they would not ‘discriminate’ on the base of belief–and I…

  3. A sweeping account, based on personal experience. Will it change anything? Kirsten Powers opens up by explaining that she is not a natural conservative. She comes from an Irish, working-class background and considered herself Democratic all of her life. She went to George Washington University and the University of Maryland, one which I attended, the other one just down the street. They are liberal bastions. Her life’s experience has made her more conservative. 

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