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The Silent Corner: A Novel of Suspense

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A dazzling new series debuts with a remarkable heroine certain to become a new icon of suspense, propelled by the singular narrative genius of New York Times best-selling author Dean Koontz.

“I very much need to be dead.”

These are the chilling words left behind by a man who had everything to live for – but took his own life. In the void that remains stands his widow, Jane, surrounded by questions destined to go unanswered…unless she does what all the grief, fear, confusion, and fury inside of her demand: find the truth, no matter what.

There is no one else to speak for Jane’s husband – or the others who have followed him into death at their own hands. Although people of talent and accomplishment, people admired and happy and sound of mind, have recently been committing suicide in surprising numbers, no one else is willing to give up everything just to seek, to find, to know. No one except Jane. But ahead lies only risk. Because those arrayed against her are legion…and dangerously devoted to protecting something profoundly important – or terrifying – enough to exterminate any and all in their way.

Too many have already died, and those responsible will learn that all their malevolent power may not be enough to stop a woman as clever as they are cold-blooded, as relentless as they are ruthless – and who is driven by a righteous rage they can never comprehend. Because it is born of love.

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3 thoughts on “The Silent Corner: A Novel of Suspense

  1. When I grow up, I want to be Jane Hawk! Once upon a time, I read every Dean Koontz book I could get my hands on. I even went to the library and got the books under his pen name (Leigh Nichols). 

  2. Enigmatic “They” pursue rogue FBI operative cross-country in this edge-of-your-seat thriller The Silent Corner is by far Dean Koontz best offering in many years. He’s not depending on strange occult or phantasmagoric story lines to keep the action moving. Instead he’s crafted Jane Hawk, an FBI operative, who is forced to go rogue when she stumbles upon a plot conjured by a mad scientist. It seems he’s created a method of mind control reminiscent of Manchurian Candidate wickedness. 

  3. It’s been a few years since I’ve done that and when I saw this new book I remembered how much I enjoyed his books Thirty years ago, I read every Dean Koontz book that I could get my hands on. I looked forward to each new book and went to second hand book stores to find ones that I didn’t have or hadn’t read. I did that for the next 10-12 years and then I’m still not sure whether it was me or that the stories were different. I ended up not reading any new books that came out or any ones that I had not read. But, off and on I would pick up a few of the books and reread them. It’s been a few years since…

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