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The Skeleton Garden: Potting Shed Mysteries Series, Book 4

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3 thoughts on “The Skeleton Garden: Potting Shed Mysteries Series, Book 4

  1. Love this city British countryside garden mystery series Being an avid gardener and gentle mystery lover, this series is perfect. Add in an olfer delightful main character, Pru and her ability to make friends with all kinds of interesting characters and you have a great read. Each book in the series builds up on the prior with an increasing gain of a husband, close friends, and now extended family Gem of a series.

  2. Secrets Buried Long Ago Unearthed The Skeleton Garden is a chatty, well developed story. You will fall in love with the characters. They are down to earth and as complicated as humans can be. The author’s writing reminds me of a favorite author from years past, Maeve Binchy, who is now in Heaven. Interesting how the author rounds out the novel’s characters as the story proceeds. How much of our interests and life’s work are in our genetic makeup? The story is about a brother and sister, children of an English war bride and…

  3. Too slow-paced for my taste This story was available on Amazon (Kindle e-book) for $.99 (it is the 4th in a series) and sounded very interesting to me. I had not heard of this author so I thought I would give it a try. It is certainly readable as a standalone and I rarely give up on stories, but I must say that I read nearly half of this novel but just couldn’t get into it. Perhaps it is because I am not familiar with the characters, but even as a standalone there is nothing that “grabs you” to get into the…

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