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The Swamp: Washington’s Murky Pool of Corruption and Cronyism – and How Trump Can Drain It

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This program is read by the author.

When Washington, DC, was first built, it was on top of a swamp that had to be drained. Donald Trump says it’s time to drain it again.

In The Swamp, best-selling author and Fox News Channel host Eric Bolling presents an infuriating, amusing, revealing, and outrageous history of American politics, past and present, Republican and Democrat. From national political scandals to tempests in a teapot that blew up; bribery, blackmail, bullying, and backroom deals that contradicted public policies; cronyism that cost taxpayers hundreds upon hundreds of millions of dollars; and personal conduct that can only be described as regrettable, The Swamp is a journey downriver through the bayous and marshes of Capitol Hill and Foggy Bottom.

The presidential election of 2016 was ugly, but it exposed a political, media, industry, and elite establishment that desperately wanted to elect a politician who received millions of dollars from terror-funding states over a businessman willing to tell the corrupt or incompetent, “You’re fired”.

The audiobook concludes with a series of recommendations for President Trump: practical, hard-headed, and concise ways to drain the swamp and force Washington to be more transparent, more accountable, and more effective in how it serves those who have elected its politicians and pay the bills for their decisions.

Last year President Trump declared Wake Up America to be a “huge” book; Eric Bolling’s second audiobook is sure to build on that success. Entertaining and timely, The Swamp is the perfect audiobook for today’s political climate.

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3 thoughts on “The Swamp: Washington’s Murky Pool of Corruption and Cronyism – and How Trump Can Drain It

  1. Swamp Tour + Common Sense Ideas to End Special Interest Politics in Washington. In THE SWAMP: WASHINGTON’S MURKY POOL OF CORRUPTION AND CRONYISM, Eric Bolling presents some simple, common sense proposals to end special interest politics in Washington. The author writes very well, and his thoughts are logically presented. This makes the book easy to follow. 

  2. Entertaining popular history of the Washington swamp and how to drain it The Swamp is an entertaining history of Washington scandal, corruption, dirty dealing, waste, and dereliction of duty by those we elect to represent us–with sharp and surprising recommendations for how President Trump can drain it and restore responsible governance and accountability to taxpayers. I loved the stories relayed here–some outrageous, some very funny, some very troubling–and especially agreed with Bolling’s advice, which if followed would jump start our economy and also unclog…

  3. Excellent read Excellent book good history review then some insight to our current situation

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