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The Swoly Bible: The Bro Science Way of Life

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From the muscle god who launched the YouTube channel Bro Science Life comes the only book that will teach you everything you need to know about getting swole.

For years bros, meatheads, and gym rats around the world have posed pressing questions: What can you bench? Can I skip leg day? What goes in this protein shake? And, importantly, do you even lift, bro? At long last, answers to these questions and more can be found in one handy volume – The Swoly Bible, written by the Internet’s favorite gym expert/literary genius, Dom Mazzetti.

In it, Mazzetti lays out the truth about how to make gains in the gym and in your life, including:

How to get hyped for a lift The true meaning of meal prep How to eat chicken without wanting to kill yourself The best tips for taking a postworkout selfie How to get your girlfriend to start lifting Why Crossfitters are the worst And much more

Written in Dom’s signature comedic voice, The Swoly Bible is the perfect gift for anyone in your #fitfam.

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3 thoughts on “The Swoly Bible: The Bro Science Way of Life

  1. Five Stars If you don’t buy it you are contributing to the obesity and lack of gains in America.

  2. Live Big, Die Big, Leave a Large Coffin I was afraid that I was suffering from Bradley Martyn Syndrome, aka losing gains every time I set foot in a gym, so I decided to take some advice from the Brofessor and purchase his book. Dom is a five time college attendee and it really shows here, within 24 hours of reading the only book I’ll ever need in my life again I got written up at work for yelling at people to watch me not spot me and I can no longer wear shirts with sleeves. Thank you Dom for helping me towards my dream of needing…

  3. Added 90 lbs to my bench just by walking to my mailbox! Some say he is the first ever to successfully bench “all of it”, others may say he is the patriarch of the church of iron, i.e. Pope trenaddict. All I know his that he is the brofessor, and he will be the first ever illiterate best selling author.

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