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The Third Target

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When New York Times foreign correspondent J. B. Collins hears rumors that an al-Qaeda splinter cell has captured a cache of chemical weapons inside Syria, he knows this is a story he must pursue at all costs. Does the commander of the jihadist faction really have the weapons? If so, who is the intended target? The U.S.? Israel? Or could it be Jordan?

With tensions already high, the impending visit of the American president to the region could prove to be the spark that sets off an explosion of horrendous proportions. Knowing that terrorist forces have already toppled two regimes in the region, can Collins uncover the truth before it’s too late? Or will the terrorists succeed in setting their sights on the third and final target?

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3 thoughts on “The Third Target

  1. ✔ “Without Warning, I drove my elbow hard into his ribs” In THE THIRD TARGET, the action starts immediately, and quickly grows. The beginning of the story is actually a flashback. The Associated Press reporter, A.B. Collins is suddenly granted an interview with His Royal Highness, the King of Jordan, who will meet him at the Dome of the Rock. Unfortunately for Collins, he is blocked by a mob, who aren’t particularly friendly to him. Of course, Collins does what anyone would do–the punches a tough-looking thug and starts a riot. Luckily for…

  2. Joel Rosenberg Needs to Stop Writing… Joel Rosenberg needs to stop writing. I mean it. Seriously. I don’t mean his novels are bad. I mean that everything he writes has a tendency to work its way into reality. Like writing about terrorists hijacking a plane nine months before 9/11 (The Last Jihad), or the death of Yasser Arafat thirteen months prior to it becoming reality (The Last Days), or the rise of a dictator in Iran who wants to wipe Israel off the map (The Ezekiel Option). My point being, Rosenberg has his thumb on the…

  3. Conquests and Consequences You know it’s not your normal every day novel when a former CIA director endorses the book and its plot is ripped from the pages of today’s headlines. In this, his latest book, Joel Rosenberg paints a chilling picture of what the Middle East might look like if current trends continue. With an insider’s knowledge and a sizzling pen, Mr. Rosenberg spins a vivid tale of politics, intrigue, deception and betrayal. 

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