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The Trafalgar Gambit: Ark Royal, Book 3

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Humanity is losing the war. The once-mighty space navies have been crippled, officers and crew have been stretched to the limit, and Earth herself has come under heavy attack. The end cannot be long delayed. For Admiral Smith and the crew of HMS Ark Royal, the stakes have never been so high. The one hope is to make contact with alien factions that might oppose the war. But, as Ark Royal sets off on a desperate diplomatic mission, it rapidly becomes clear that there are both human and alien factions that wish to fight the war to the bitter end – and that her previous missions have sown the seeds of success…or total failure.

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3 thoughts on “The Trafalgar Gambit: Ark Royal, Book 3

  1. That’s a wrap! 0

  2. Nuttall Gets Better and Better I very much enjoyed this trilogy. Nice conclusion, loose ends tied up nicely, and there is room to move on to other things if Chris wants to explore the universe further. I very much appreciate that he kept the story to just 3 entries. Any additions would have been bloated and redundant.I was surprised, in a good way, with the direction that he took some of the characters. They weren’t supermen without flaws and that is a nice change of pace in this genre.Chris channeled…

  3. Ending of a good Trilogy Ark Royal was a really good book and one of Christopher’s best books yet.It has it all to me. Flawed characters, a hopeless situation, the under dogs and great military action in a realistic manner. But it was really on a micro personal ship type story level.Book 2, was a great good continuation and a worthy sequel. Did it beat book 1? Nope but it was still great read, continuing to expand the universe. Introduce the aliens as more then a mysteries enemy, as well as…

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