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The Werewolf’s Christmas Wish: A Nocturne Falls Short

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Welcome to Nocturne Falls, the town where Halloween is celebrated 365 days a year. The tourists think it’s all a show: the vampires, the werewolves, the witches, the occasional gargoyle flying through the sky. But the supernaturals populating the town know better.

Living in Nocturne Falls means being yourself. Fangs, fur, and all.

Bridget Merrow has almost everything a werewolf could wish for. And it’s not that her awesome family and popular business aren’t enough – she just wants someone to share it all with this Christmas. Too bad the someone she wants doesn’t want her. Or does he?

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3 thoughts on “The Werewolf’s Christmas Wish: A Nocturne Falls Short

  1. Yay! Bridgett’s story! Finally, Bridgett & her beau’s story. It’s short and sweet, with a side of snark! I love these characters. They are earthier than most, and independent. Their vulnerability showcased how insecurity and life’s setbacks can get in the way of what is needed. It is an entertaining and fun read, and reveals what happens to Bridgett’s love life. Again yay!

  2. its bubbly and fun and the characters are amazingly entertaining First let me say that I adore this series, its bubbly and fun and the characters are amazingly entertaining. Did I know exactly what was going to happen? yes, but that is also because I read all of the main books in about 4 days so this was not a hard leap for the characters. As long as there are more books in this series I will keep reading, because we all need silly things in our lives.

  3. A delightful paranormal Cozy! Another solid installment (short story) of this delightful paranormal cozy mystery series., Bridget, the proprietor of the popular paranormal bar in Nocturne Falls, a town in the north Georgia mountains populated by and dedicated to its many paranormal inhabitants, finally gets her man. Though only a perifical character in all the books in this series, I always got the sense that Bridget, though busy and successful, was lonely so I was glad to finally get her story. I love this series…it has…

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