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The Witness

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Kendall Deaton pulls herself and her baby out of a wrecked car, and a mixture of courage and fear gets her to the top of a ravine, where she flags down help. But she doesn’t dare reveal her true identity to the authorities. Instead, she plans her immediate escape. Her perilous flight begins. The best public defender in Prosper, South Carolina, Kendall had stumbled upon the town’s chilling secret – and her marriage to one of the town’s most powerful men has become a living hell. Now Kendall is a terrified mother trying to save her child’s life…a reluctant witness who knows too much about an insidious evil…and a woman surrounded by forces that will stop at nothing to protect what is “theirs.” “This page-turner is a must on any summer beach reading list and a testament to Brown’s gifts as a talented storyteller.” – USA TodayMillions of readers clamor for the compelling contemporary novels of Sandra Brown. And no wonder! She fires your imagination with irresistible characters, unexpected plot twists, scandalous secrets…so electric you feel the zing.

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2 thoughts on “The Witness

  1. Fasten Your Seatbelts and Get Ready for a Bumpy Ride! I must say I am “hooked” on Sandra Brown. She really knows how to weave a tale and keep you coming back for more. Everytime I put the book down and came back to it, I was pleasantly captured. This book tackles some thorny social issues including racism, sexism, elitism, homophobia, wifebeating, rape, homelessness, crucification, and vigilantism. But, there’s also some levity thrown in including a hilarious menage a trois scene. The author also has one of the best “white…

  2. Bravo Ms. Brown! As a fan of Ms. Brown’s romance novels I hesitated to read her suspense novels. My aunt recommended this book to me and I’m ever thankful she did. This is definitely one of the best books I’ve read this year.Kendall Deaton is a Public Defender in the small town of Prosper, South Carolina. She marries handsome hunk Matt Burnwood expecting to live a fairy tale life. But her life then changes. She is witness to a hideous event and is running for her life. To reveal more details would…

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