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Think and Grow Rich

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Napoleon Hill is considered the forefather of the modern personal development movement and his motivational classic,Think and Grow Rich, has inspired millions with its words and thoughts on discovering success and abundance within oneself. The thirteen principles of success outlined within this bestselling audio program is a blueprint you can follow in the construction of your own personal success story.

Apply these principles to achieve:

• freedom from fear
• self-confidence
• improved personal relationships
• career advancement
• financial riches

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2 thoughts on “Think and Grow Rich

  1. Do Not Buy This Version Do not buy this version. I purchased this version and discovered the original 1937 edition free online so I decided to compare. I discovered after comparing the first few pages of the original online version to this version that quite a few critical points had been omitted from the book. I became curious, so I went through every word of the online version and compared it with the book and was astonished at the amount of important information that was excluded from the book. Almost all of…

  2. Truly inspirational. The single best success book I have ever read. If you asked me to recommend to you the single best “success” book I have ever read, my answer would be a very definite “Think and Grow Rich”.First published in 1937, this is the end product of two decades of research conducted by Napoleon Hill. His research started when Andrew Carnegie (the steel tycoon who was then the richest man on earth) gave him the assignment of organizing a Philosophy of Personal Achievement. Hill, who was a poor journalist, armed with just an introductory letter…

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