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To Fire Called: A Seeker’s Tale from the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper, Book 2

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A dead ship returns to the Deep Dark with a live crew.

Captain Ishmael Wang finally gets the Chernyakova out of the yard and embarks on a voyage into the Toe-Holds where the Confederated Planets Joint Committee on Trade has no authority. Where the law is whatever you say it is as long as you can enforce it.

Where he learns that some will do anything to hide their secrets and everybody has a secret.

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3 thoughts on “To Fire Called: A Seeker’s Tale from the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper, Book 2

  1. Good but not great continuation of the Seeker’s Tale Ishmael and Pip got a great deal on the Chernyakova at auction but it cost them a small fortune and many months to have it refurbished. But they quickly assembled a full crew and took off to Toe-Hold space to make a profit. 

  2. I like it. I liked this book even though I had to wait so long for it to come out but I though his other books were a lot better. It’s like this one he just didn’t care about it. I have given his other books five stars but this one only four.

  3. Off the Traveled Routes This is a mystery in unfamiliar places…. Of course Ishmael needs a challenge to help his recovery process, and Pip is ready to work his magic in choosing cargoes. But together on the Chernykova? And many cargoes go past the familiar CPJCT orbitals to places with names like Mel’s, or Odin’s Outpost, star of . -It’s a faster plot than the previous Solar Clipper series. 

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