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Treyvon: Kaliszian, Book 2

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General Treyvon Rayner is the Supreme Commander of the Kaliszian Defenses. He is the cousin and trusted friend of the Kaliszian Emperor, Emperor Liron Kalinin, in spite of Treyvon’s ancestor being one of the causes of the Great Infection so many centuries ago. It is never far from Treyvon’s mind, and he vowed he’d spend his entire life trying to make things right. Chef Jennifer Neibaur dreamed of traveling to exotic places, of experiencing different cuisines, and learning how to prepare them. Her dream came true, but at a high price. She lost her sister. Her husband died. And she was severely injured. All that was enough for her to welcome death. But for a chef to end up in a place where food was just sustenance, and never something enjoyed, was the ultimate punishment. Two strong, honorable people are both trying to find forgiveness and redeem themselves for things that were out of their control. Neither is looking for love. But if they can accept it, the forgiveness they find might be for more than just themselves.

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3 thoughts on “Treyvon: Kaliszian, Book 2

  1. I LOVED IT!!! I loved this book!! I started reading it and didn’t stop until I finished it (yes that also means I didn’t sleep last night)! I love this universe! So many questions were answered in this book: Will “Elite Warrior” Parlan get his comeuppance? Who was the female Parlan was plotting with? Will Jen and Kim be reunited? Will Jen’s body ever fully heal? Will Jen use her cooking skills to help the Kaliszians? 

  2. Well worth the wait. Great addition to overall world build & storyline. Not a great stand alone Well worth the wait! I’ve really enjoyed the Tornian & Kaliszian series – I’ve reread them numerous times – my favorite continues to be Grim. This well-paced story continues to add to the world-build and overall storyline. The interactions between characters was believable – the men were strong & protective, the female lead strong-natured – bringing change to her world by utilizing her skillset. This is an aspect to this author’s books I really enjoy. The emotional & character struggles were…

  3. I read it in a sit, couldn’t let it down 😀 THANKS M. K.! YOU’RE GREAT! 

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