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Young beautiful women are disappearing. Different types, with different backgrounds, most with a lot of debt, few friends, and no close family to speak of. Gone.

Someone is collecting trophies. Only one person can see it. Special Agent Emma Kane.

Kane knows she’ll need help on this ordeal. But the only man who can help her, famed profiler Jacob Thorne, is no longer speaking to her. The clock is ticking and Kane herself is now a target of whoever is doing this.

As Kane gets closer to unlocking true cruel purpose the abducted women serve, the real question is not only will she survive what she finds, but can she handle what she discovers about Thorne and about herself?

Emma Kane and Jacob Thorne are back in this thrilling sequel to Todd Travis’ pulse-pounding debut novel Creatures of Appetite.

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3 thoughts on “Trophies

  1. Five Stars a great action packed read!

  2. Totally riveting This action-packed story is hard to start not want to finish the same day . Never underestimate the power of a woman and Emma really shows that .

  3. I really don’t know why I finished the book Unlikeable main characters, profane, violent … The initial mystery was interesting, but the rest of the plot, and characters, were one dimensional, and just flat.

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