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“If a man won’t fight for what is rightly his, then he ain’t much account.” With this challenge from his dying father, young Shell Tucker rode out after three men who had stolen the twenty thousand dollars his father was carrying. Two of the men he hunted, Doc Sites and Kid Reese, were his friends. Dreaming of adventure, Tucker had wanted to join their gang. But now, with his father gone and the people back home desperately in need of the proceeds from the cattle drive, Shell was determined to uphold his father’s reputation and recover their money. He knew the odds were against him. Finding his friends would be difficult. Getting the money back would be nearly impossible.

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2 thoughts on “Tucker

  1. Classic tale of parent and teen problems – western style “Shell” Tucker thinks his father is boring and doesn’t know much. Then some of his friends get hold of the money that Shell and his father are traveling with (a lot of it isn’t theirs) and won’t give it back. An accident to Shell’s father leaves him to recover the money alone. With some help along the way (both in growing up and in recovering the money) Shell learns just how good a father he had and how much like his father he wants to be. A timeless story and familiar to anyone who’s…

  2. Awesome 0

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